Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I cooked that ham that got me the free turkey, eggs and sausage today. Boy is that a good ham. Since I had invited my friend Bob over to look at sheep. (He just wanted ideas for an altar cloth that he plans to design for Grace Episcopal Church in memory of his partner, Steve Naffin, who was also my friend.)

Then Bobbie needed to come by to take a specific gravity on a wine we had bottled so she could estimate the alcoholic content. I told her she might as well come for lunch too. It is nice to have a full table. Since Bill works at Grace and Bobbie did gardening there this summer, they had some common bonds anyway.

I added Irish Herbed Potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms and a nice green salad. We had the Ricotta cheese pie for dessert.

Nice to have a table full of people. I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving. There will be six whole people then.

That is about all I did today. Dick's legs still look pitiful and I was out of the salve so I called Dr. Moreno's office and we will go in on Thursday to have the Doctor look at it. I also picked up some more salve.

Just for a laugh - from the Reader's Digest by a Carol Howard

"The highlight of our zoo trip was a peacock showing off its plumage. My four year old son was particularly taken with it. That evening he couldn't wait to tell his father: 'Dad, Guess what! I saw a Christmas tre come out of a chicken!' "

God love you


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