Sunday, October 04, 2009

What a nice quiet Sunday.

The only real chore I had was to sweep out the garage and to set up the shelves at the back. Now when the first frost comes, I can bring in the herbs that are in pots to try to keep them through the winter. Last year I saved the thyme, lavender and oregano.

We watched a couple of football games this afternoon. So far our Jessica is tops int he fantasy football this week. Go, Jessie, unless I can somehow beat you.

The rest of the day was for me. I did some quilt planning and just rested.

The end of the month, The Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago is hosting a three day event called iBAM, Irish Book and Music event. CWI will have a table at the benefit and I can display my book. I am going to go. Bobbie said she will help coordinate things for Dick and we will ask her to take Chelsea. I am excited. Malachy and Alphie Mc Court are going to be presenters. Won't that be fun.

It was a lazy day and I have little to say. Hope you have a successful week. The first half of ours is busy. My marigold wine is fizzing away downstairs. It will be ready to put into the secondary fermenter when Bobbie comes on Thursday.


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