Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Somehow or other Dick and I got to talking about Las Vegas today. It reminded me of a trip that I made to Vegas shortly after I was married with Jacquie and Doris, my sisters in law, Tamara, a friend and Lily, my mother in law. Lily used to put all of her nickels into a big glass jar and like to go to Vegas when it was full and play all of her nickels on the nickel slots. Now this was 45 years ago or more so that is not as far out as it sounds. I wonder if they even have nickel slots anymore?

Anyway, we five women piled in a car and went to Vegas for the weekend and just partied and played the slot machines. We referred to Lily as Madame Lil.

Dick commented that I must like gambling sometimes. I think he will use this story against me if we get to a casino again. I told him that it is allright sometimes but that I do get bored quite easily.

Another gambling story. I was visiting Jacquie once in Bullhead City. I wanted a Mimosa. Sometimes, especially on Sundays, the breakfast buffets have champagne fountains and you can just get orange juice and mix your own BUT this day there was not fountain so I had to buy a bottle of champagne. This was OK. I had my mimosa or two but still had lots of champagne. So, I learned a very big lesson. I pushed the cork as tight as I could back on the bottle and we worked our way out of the casino, gambling as we went. An open champagne bottle builds gasses pretty fast and suddenly that cork popped out like a gunshot and there were security people running all over the place. I was properly embarrassed. But they didn't arrest me or anything.

Today was eventful. Dick had his anti coagulation test this morning. It is high again. 400. So we have adjusted the meds and he has to go back next week. Fortunately we can have it tested in conjunction with a blood test he has to have done prior to his physical which is the following week. We went right from there to Dr. Cheryl Zeigler's office for Dick's eye exam. He is going to need new glasses but his eyes are healthy so that was good news.

This afternoon, I went to a quilt club meeting. It is the Kettle Moraine Club. My friend Lucy had told me when they met at the Sheboygan County Quilt show. It was fun. I have started to get excited about quilting again and this gave me much motivation. I knew three other people besides Lucy, one a neighbor here in Tallgrass and one gal that I worked with over 20 years ago at United Savings and Loan. They seem very active and fun. The meeting is the first Tuesday of every month from 1 to 3. So that seems possible. Next month they are going to just come and sit and sew.

So now I will spend my last hour or so watching the finale of Dancing with the Stars. I did not see the actual week's event because it was preempted because of the miserable Packer game, but I would like to keep up and see who is eliminated this week.

Take care.



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