Saturday, October 10, 2009

A strangely mixed day. Dick slept until almost 10AM. As we had no plans I just let him sleep. I spent the morning working on my Fantasy Football, sending emails and just puttering around. I kept myself very busy.

We had meatloaf sandwiches for lunch. Num Num. There is still enough for another meal, at least. Then we got Dick's bath out of the way and I took a short nap.

Mass was at 4PM. A nice Mass, I saw several friends and feel a bit less stressed (boy do I hate that word, but I can't think of a better one for the way I have been feeling.) Church always provides my spirit with a bit of healing. This is why it takes a LOT to make me miss it.

When I got home, I took Chelsea out, fed both she and Roxie and Dick took me to Sweet Basil for dinner. That was really nice. Dick got spaghetti and meatballs and I got a shrimp/steak combination. The shrimp was absolutely wonderful. The steak too but there was a time I didn't order shrimp often because I must have gotten some that just tasted strong. Then one day, I tried it again and remembered that I really like it. This was excellent. I brought the steak and their wonderful fococcia bread home with me for later.

I was stroking Roxie's ears tonight and remembered that there was a plant that I had years ago (I killed it) called kitten ears. It was just a green plant with leaves shaped like kitten ears and with white fuzz on them, just like a kitten.

That reminded me of another plant - a tree that grows over in Ireland and apparently in Cornwall. It is called a Monkey Puzzle tree. I think that Bobbie probably remembers it. It is, read, a native of Chile so must have been taken to Ireland where it can survive. It is described as a scary evergreen tree and that is a good description. Its branches are all twisted and a very dark green and it is beautiful.

Sunday is also going to be a day of rest.

Hope yours is too.


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