Saturday, October 24, 2009

I was home today until 11:30 except for picking up SHARE at 9AM. We got a nice mixture today. Chicken, Imitation Crab, Pork chops, beef lunch meat and seasoned chicken breasts. AND we also got a cantaloupe, apples, oranges, potatoes and onions. I knew we were getting a cantaloupe so I have a watermelon on hand and will make a fruit salad tomorrow or the next day.

I cleaned Dick's bathroom while he was sleeping and did some more desk straightening.

And I DID remember to put the yeast in the currant wine when I got up this morning. It was supposed to go into the mix 12 hours after the other ingredients were added. Bobbie and I laughed and said that meant I had to get up at 1:30AM. (Fat Chance.) But it is all added, now I will check it daily and let Bobbie know when it is fermenting really good.

I left at 11:30 or so for the warm up for Stevan Naffin's memorial. Boy, did we have a choir. There were lots of people who couldn't make it for the practice so the choir seats were full. The service was really beautiful. It started with a half hour prelude beginning at 12:30. The choir sang two pieces, the bell choir did two pieces, there were good friends of Steve including Linda O'Brien, Andy Gremminger who played and/or sang songs that Steve had written or co -written. Andy sang a beautiful song that he and Stevan had co-written. Then we got into the Mass which was again full of music and lots of love. It was hard not to cry. After the Mass, we did a Hymn Sing beginning with Amazing Grace and ending with America the Beautiful with the whole congregation joining in.

With Zach Holzer directing us, who did a lot of training under Stevan, we really felt good and sang our hearts out. I know we sounded good, because we felt good about it. Mary Jo picked out perfect songs and we sang two of them a capella.

After that everybody was invited to the Boys and Girls Club for a social and remembrance time. I saw and visited with so many people that I had not seen much since I moved to Plymouth. Bob is doing quite well. He was pleased with this day, such a nice tribute to his life partner.

I got home at about 430. Roxie was waiting impatiently. If she wore a watch, she would have been pointing at it and asking where I had been. I fed them right away and have been kind of lazing around since. We had soup and grilled cheese for our supper. Easy and good. I had a container of dump soup in the freezer that I defrosted and heated up.

We are down to pizza soup and turkey soup now as far as homemade soups.

Tomorrow I will make the reservations for my train trip to Chicago and my hotel room.
I get to stay home all day anyway. I am looking forward to that.

Til tomorrow



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