Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chelsea woke me up at 2:30AM again this morning. But I was able to get back to sleep quickly and slept til shortly after 6AM. We had a lot to do before 8AM when Joan, the cleaning lady came.

Bobbie came at 10AM because we mixed up her currant wine. I took the currants out of the freezer last night so they would be somewhat thawed. As it turned out, the only thing we had to do today was to crush the berries and then pour boiling water on them. So Bobbie will come back tomorrow after we have our fun at the Kohler Food and Wine Experience. We had such a good time last year that we want to go back. I am going to try to find some raspberry mustard for Dick. He loved what I got last year. I found out it makes a good addition to pork chops when they are cooking too.

I made a vegetable nut loaf for our dinner. It was an experiment to see if it would make a good vegetarian main dish for Thanksgiving. The three of us agreed that is is good. So I am set.

Dick had his dental appointment to put in the permanent filling in his root canal at 1PM. That went so quickly that I told him he had not left me enough time to finish the chapter in the book I was reading.

I took a nap when I got home until my cell phone rang. It was in my purse across the room and by the time I got there I was too late. But they called back as I was trying to see who it was. It was Fuzzie's Bakery wondering where they were to deliver the rolls. He had been given a wrong number, obviously. We got a good laugh out of that.

I went downstairs and did a bit of sewing on my quilt projects, then came up and fixed our supper.

Tonight was the choir practice for the memorial service for my friend, Stevan Naffin, which will be on Saturday. Zack and Mary Jo Holzer picked out some really uplifting happy songs that we know very well. Soon and Very Soon, Over My Head, On That Holy Mountain, We are Singing, For the Lord is our Light.

It was a reunion night. I can't express how much I enjoyed singing with a choir again and with these particular people in memory of a man who taught us so very much in the years we sang under him. I think Saturday will be something special.

It was raining most of the day, not hard but just enough to make the day cold and leave a chill in the bones. When we got back from the dentist a lone crow was in the upper branches of a tree across the street complaining at the top of his lungs. I am sure that he was complaining about the rain too.

I don't know if tomorrow will be any better weather wise. Dick mentioned today that he doesn't even remember a summer this year.

Oh well, at least the nice holidays are coming up.

Enjoy your Friday



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