Monday, October 19, 2009

I am really tired AGAIN tonight. I am sure that you are tired of hearing about that. But it was a good day. Part of the problem was Chelsea. She woke me up shortly after 2AM this morning. So I took her out. Because it was SO middle of the night, I did not shut the door.

Big mistake. She was back at 2:30AM. This time I did shut the door and slept until 6:30 after I got back to sleep. But interrupted sleep is always a problem.

Anyway. This morning I had Bible study at 9:30. We had a nice group there, nine in all. We are at the end of Mark chapter 4 and got into good discussions on parables, the gifts of the Spirit and how to apply the lessons to today. A good question was posed. Are there prophets in our modern age? Fran pointed out that perhaps Martin Luther King was a prophet. He saw things, and many of them have come true.

ThenI dropped some things off to Mother. She was at the ear doctor. So I came home after filling up the tank and picking up prescriptions for Dick at Walgreens. We had a meal that Dick felt was worthy of a king. Meatballs, gravy and NOODLES with Brussels Sprouts and apple cookies for dessert.

Next, Cream City Writers at 1PM. We had a good group there too with a new person showing up, Vicki. That is always nice. We read what we had for the week then spent 15 minutes just writing on Autumn or pumpkins or something. I wrote the following that I may expand on.

Some of the trees are vivid red this year. I learned that if the leaves turn too soon it means that the tree is dying. What a glorious way to die. Bathed in color.

It was a good meeting.

When I got home, I took a nap. As I said that I am tired, I guss it just was not long enough.

Tomorrow is quiet all day but I will be going to UW Sheboygan for my Herb Class in the evening but the day is mine.

It was pleasant out there but I had hoped that the temps would be just a little more "user friendly". I felt quite chilled when I was out in the open air.

Take care and enjoy the week.


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