Sunday, September 06, 2009

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
- Robert A. Heinlein

This morning while I was watching Good Morning America, Bill Weir said that he was a Cheesehead. They featured the Packers meeting with the kids who bring their bikes to the practices for the opportunity to interact with the players. This has gone on for years. Anyway, he ended the segment saying, "Eat your heart out, Brett Favre, The Vikings eat children."

It was indeed a quiet day. I took Katrina, our neighbor's dog, out a couple of times today today. She is such a loving doggy but I am glad that we have Chelsea. Katrina leaks when she gets excited and I would not be happy cleaning up after a piddling pup.

I spent some time on getting ready for the Celtic Music Workshop that I am going to conduct on September 17 her at our house. If any of you want to come, you are welcome. It is for the Celtic Women but we welcome anyone that has an interest in our purpose, even for one evening or one event.

I a made a blueberry cheesecake today and is it ever good. I hope I can find someone to help us eat it. As usual it is SO big that it will last much too long.

It was a nice warm day today and some of my tomatoes are starting to ripen. That is good. I hope to be able to eat them fresh and perhaps preserve some of them. I am thinking Braciole de Manzo. To die for. I do love to cook.

Tomorrow I will go to see the movie Julie and Julia with Bobbie. I do like Meryl Streep and it is based on a great book so I am looking forward to it. Always good to spend time with Bobbie too.

That was the day so tomorrow is Labor Day. I am going to put the flag out to celebrate the day. Enjoy it. Remember the reason for the day. Did I ever tell you that Bret was born on Labor Day? I remember getting to the delivery area. There must have been six women all in labor at the same time and one of the nurses said. "Just because is it Labor Day didn't mean that you all had to come in a the same time."



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