Monday, September 07, 2009

What a nice Labor Day this turned out to be. I was busy this morning with my usual stuff. Stuff is such a nice inclusive word. I had to walk two doggies, (Our neighbor, Dick , was Up North enjoying the color change so I had Katrina to walk too.) Katrina is funny. She stops every ten feet or so to just give kisses and love. She pees funny too. She squats and then lifts one leg or the other to relieve herself. We had several good walks. I tried to take her on different routes and to just be with her has she was alone in the house. She, as our Chelsea, is used to having SOMEONE in the house most of the time.

Chelsea was not neglected either. Chelsea is doing better than she was a couple of days ago. She is still old but some days seems more subdued than others.

I talked to Bret today. I had forgotten to tell him that his cousin, Brit, is moving to Los Angeles in October. She will be the head of two areas of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. A nice leg up. She sill be head of Photography and Works on Paper. I know that she did her main studies in Photography. I still need to ask her if she would like to see the stereoscopes of my friend Bob's parent's wedding. She did her Masters on Stereoscopes, as I remember. I hope that she and Bret can get together once in a while for a lunch or dinner or holiday as they are family and it is good to have SOMEONE of blood close by. I know how much it has meant to Vikki, my niece on the Johnston side that she and Bret are connecting more. Blood is thicker than water.

This afternoon Bobbie and I went to see Julie and Julia. It was charming and wonderful. Bobbie had gotten interested in the blogs that Julie did during the year that Julie did Julia Child's recipes and blogged. She said that she could see why Julia was not too excited about meeting Julie. There was a lot of oddness and melt downs in the blog. And after all, Julia was in her late 80s and early 90s at the time. But it was a beautiful story and well worth seeing, if only for Meryl Streep's performance. I want to get her cookbook now.

Jim and Michelle called tonight. They spent a day with Bart and Marlise and Don. I am glad that they are connecting. They took "Chip" Kunert their new dog with them and that was an adventure. It went quite well, after all Chip is just a puppy. Apparently some blood was shed but they couldn't tell from whom so it could not have been too important. They are doing well at their job and looking for others. There are prospects but I gather that they are grateful that, in this market, they are in the position that they can deep looking until it is right as they have an income coming in.

Did I tell you that I saw a Blue Heron, several flights of geese and two hawks flying overhead in the past two days? It is the onset of Autumn and I imagine the critters are trying to figure out the signals that are changing day to day. I am amazed that it is so gray at 6AM when I get up. Soon it will be really dark and I won't be thrilled about taking my girl out. She does not seem to worry as she knows that her MOM will take care of her. Guess that is how I feel about my God. I get scared sometimes but know that in the end Jesus will take care of it and it will all be for the best.

Take care and go into the week with joy.



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