Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whew - what a day. Chelsea, for the second night in a row, did not wake me up until about 5AM. However, Miss Roxie has gotten used to me being up between two and three and she came in sometime in the wee hours to protest the service she is getting. When I am up between two and three she can count on a little snack.

The housecleaning service started today. Joan came at 9:30AM on the dot and vacuumed the whole house and cleaned all the floors. I was busy getting things ready for this evenings CWI gathering. It worked out quite well. They have a two hour minimum and it takes about two hours to do the floors of the whole house.

Bobbie got here at noon and we had Mexican Turkey Casserole for lunch. Then Bobbie and I went downstairs and worked. We bottled the White Zinfandel and racked her Grapevine and bay leaf. Then we took a count of bottles so we know how many more we need for the wines that are now in the works.

I had made a deep dish apple pie yesterday so after we worked so hard we came up and enjoyed a nice slice of that with vanilla ice cream. Those were sure good apples that Kathy and Jeff gave us. Talked to Jeff today. He said that they now think they know what kind of apples they are and he will get back to me. I just know that they were good and the combination was truly scrumptious. (Remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.)

Then at 6:30PM, nine of the Sheboygan County Celtic Women arrived here. We gathered in the den for a music lesson. Kind of. I had taken that a Celtic Music correspondence class through the UW Madison in Celtic Music several years ago. I reviewed the Celtic Nations with them, then discussed Traditional Vs. Irish American Celtic music, then compared a reel to a jig. I finished by playing a jig from each of 6 Celtic Nations so that they could hear the similarities and the differences. I did not have a jig from Brittany so just played a song from Brittany. I enjoyed the research and they seemed to enjoy the presentation. We finished by putting Navan on in the background and having tea and sweets while we visited. Navan is a wonderful a capella group from Madison who sing in the native Irish, Gaelic and Cornish. Great background music. Towards the end I brought Roxie down because I had mentioned that she was a Manx cat. My friend Rosalie loves animals and wanted to see her. Roxie was kind of insulted as it was not her idea but she was civil.

So it was a successful evening, well received and we decided a lot of our menu for the October Samhain celebration. I will send out more information by Monday. We need something for November. Dorothy Rose said she may be able to get a dancer to come and explain the costumes and dance for us.

That's all now. Tomorrow will be a bit quieter though I have to take Dick to the doctor at 11:30 and work at Rhine in the evening. I intend to nap in the afternoon and just clean up downstairs in the morning.

Hope your day was as much fun as mine.



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