Sunday, August 09, 2009

What a lovely day. I slept pretty well last night - kind of made up for the night before. Good thing because the 5 hours spent at the Reunion of the Clans sure wore me out. It was worth every ache though.

I left for St. Michael's at about 10AM and got there in plenty of time. First, I took the Cherry Dream Pie that I baked for dessert down to the kitchen. With whipped cream and cherry pie filling, it had to get into a cool area right away. Then I took the wine up to the sacristy. Rosemary had already left the hosts. Rosemary, Fr. Mike and I met shortly thereafter along with Tom and Kathy Keyes to get the chalices, the lectionary and the other Mass accessories set up. We started at 11AM, almost exactly on time. We figured out how to ring the bell and get attention and then Lori Luther and Mary Calvey started the music. Mass was wonderful. Fr. Mike gives a nice sermon and there is nothing more lovely than hearing this crowd sing the ending song. It is to the tune of Danny Boy, then we always finish WITH Danny Boy. Kind of schmaltzy but everybody knows it and really sings out.

Here are the words to the sending song.

Celtic Song of Farewell (Danny Boy)

May choirs of angels lead you into paradise
and may the martyrs come to welcome you
To bring you home into the holy city
So you may dwell in new Jerusalem
May holy angels be there at your welcoming
With all the saints who go before you there,
That you may know the peace and joy of paradise
That you may enter into everlasting rest.

Then with a steady stream of visiting, we all,(by all, I mean my family, I listed them yesterday,) met downstairs for the meal and more visiting. A lot of the Celtic Women were there too. I think I got them all to sign or signed for them in our little book. To my surprise and delight, Gail McAleese, from Milwaukee. a member of our CWI International board and her husband Tom, who will be St. Patrick in the parade at IrishFest in Milwaukee, were there. They know the Slatterys too. I was SO glad to see her and have her and Tom meet my family.

I got to share a folder about the Clifford ancestors that I put together this morning with a couple of people too. Several of us were wearing the tshirts that Jeff put together last year. They feature the Clifford Crest and have CLIFFORD printed above the crest and BOWSER below. My cousin Christine asked about the Clifford/Bowser connection, so we went upstairs where I had left the folder and I was delighted to be able to share the Clifford family tree as I have it. It is pretty complete, though as she noticed, her kids are not in it. I told her I can put them in if she sends them to me. I just did not have the details.

As an aside, Aunt Kathleen looked through the book too. I have a picture of Great Grandpa Joseph Bowser and Great Grandma Mary Clifford Bowser in the folder. Aunt Kathleen has mentioned that Great Grandma Bowser (the Clifford connection) was a very severe lady and scared Aunt Kathleen to death when she was little. She says she remembers Grandpa Joe picking her up for a hug but that she never remembers a hug from Grandma Mary at all.

I got very tired by a little after two and with the usual delays did manage to head for home by 2:30PM. I led Sara to Hwy 57 so she could make her way back home to Milwaukee. It is hard to think of Sara as all grown up, but she surely is. Jeff and Kathy gave me some zucchini and some cucumbers. Num Num. Fresh Cucumber salad tomorrow.

Tomorrow I can go back to Bible Study.

And my Chelsea will come home. Bobbie is going to bring her in the afternoon and we will rack some wine. I know that I will get tired taking care of Chelsea but it will also help me build up strength.

Take care



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