Thursday, August 13, 2009

This was a nice day. I felt pretty good most of the day. My knee is somewhat sore from using it but overall it is much better. My arm, however, from the blood donation bruise is really really sore. My whole arm below the elbow is a ghastly purple.

Chelsea and I had a good walk this morning. I just am going down the first cul de sac but that is enough for now. We go slowly. She is a good girl and does not pull me but just does her sniffing and running back and forth within the length of the leash.

I went grocery shopping this morning. That went well. I did the bulk of it today because they had such good specials that were not available on my usual Wednesday shopping day.

Then at about 11AM I left for Sheboygan Falls to meet the family for lunch with Fr. Shea. Pat and Joan and Fr. Mike were already at Mother's when I arrived, then Kathleen and Bob and Jeff and Kathy came and we sent down to the Other Place in Falls for a wonderful lunch and visit. WE all still call the Other Place, Fitz's and actually the dining room was my Uncle Jack's clothing store called Deeley's Men's Wear. Lots of history in that old place. We are wondering if the bowling alley is still down in the basement. Jeff used to set pins in that alley as a boy.

Fr. Mike is full of stories and reports on his mission in Thailand. He now has 6 houses and 160 children under his care. This does not count his out reach program which provides medical and other support for AIDS infected families who stay in their own homes but need help. In the past week they have just had 6 month old boy added to their rolls. I told him that I would like to learn how to cook Thai and he said that I should come for a visit and he would have the cooking people teach me. He said I should bring Mother along. I told him that Thailand is on my list of places that I want to go.

They have rather large gardens to help feed the kids and the kids are supposed to help. He said they don't like it much, especially the girls so I had Mother tell Fr. Mike how much I hated gardening when I was a little girl. She delights in telling that story on me SO much.

I got home at about 3 and immediately took a nap. I was totally exhausted. I woke up to a phone call. It was Doc Blake, a friend from Rhine Plymouth. He offered to pick me up next week for the bust up party for league. I was unable to finish because of my knee but want to go to the party. Nothing wrong with that. He goes early, but I can bring a book to help pass the time til people get there.

Talked to Bob Fleming this evening. He will pick me up at 8AM on Sunday to go to Irish Fest. We plan on leaving the grounds by 6PM so it will be just long enough. Lots to see but most of the things I want to do will involve a long sit after a walk so should work fine.

Now, I need to sleep. Tomorrow, Dick gets a haircut and I hope to go to lunch with the gals at the Dairy Queen. Someone, probably Ceil, had a Mass said for my recovery by the Franciscan Fathers. Maybe that is why my legs are finally feeling better. Tomorrow I hope it is even better.



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