Monday, August 10, 2009

I was able to go to bible study today. What a joy. We are into the second chapter of Mark. There is a lot to discuss and the study guide we have is full of information. I amused them today because we were talking about the fact that we must pray. However, God does expect us to use our own talents to solve the situations we face in this world. I told them a quote that I got from a man at an AlAnon meeting probably 30 years ago. "You can pray until Hell freezes over and you can pray on the ice. But unless you get up off of your ass you'll never get goosed by the Holy Ghost."
This tells us that God gave us a lot of gifts and resources and they are also answers to prayers.

Then I drove over to Mom's for a visit. She is tired but looks good and we discussed the previous day's festivities at St. Michaels. That was a fun time. I was ablt to bring her some cookies. I try to bring her leftovers, but she didn't need them this weekend. She got lots from Randy and Becky.

Home again, Dick and I had Tastefully Simple Potato soup for lunch.

Bobbie came over this afternoon and brought our Chelsea home. I sure am glad to have her back home again. So far so good. She is sleeping now. I will have to wake her up in about an hour to take her outside so that I can go to bed. She seems content and Roxie seems indifferent to her. So life is back to somewhat normal again. We are complete.

Bobbie and I also racked her rhubarb and rhubarb/elderberry wines. At the end of the month, she and I are going to do a marathon and rack the two kit wines. That will be 11 gallons total so it will be a full day's work.

Tonight we had chicken and fresh asparagus with a potato casserole and fresh cucumber salad. Love Summer and all the fresh veggies and stuff.

Be happy. Tomorrow I get to stay home.



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