Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chelsea got up rather early this morning but I was able to get back to sleep so that is worth it. I did a bit of shopping this morning, prescription, lottery tickets and Capelle's farmer's market. Then home to put things away and relax until it was time to head to Sheboygan Falls.

I had lunch at the Villager with the members of my high school graduation class that could attend. We are meeting quarterly for lunch nowadays, dear Lorraine lets everybody know and those can come do. There were close to 20 of us this time. It is always pleasant. I had a grilled cheese and tomato basil soup for lunch. I had left Dick lunch of noodles, beef and gravy so he did not miss me at all.

I was exhausted when I got home so I laid down right away and had a good nap. Roxie knocked things off of my desk trying to get over there. She does love our naps. I did feel better today than I did yesterday. So my hope is that this is a turning point.

This evening, I walked over to Lions Park with a dump cake that I baked this morning for the Tall Grass summer picnic. They supplied chicken and coffee and we all brought side dishes. If anyone went home hungry, they were certainly foolish, we had such a nice array of good salads and desserts. Alison, one of the neighbors and our president, walked me home so I didn't have to carry my pan and all. It was fun and I had nice visits with several of the residents. BUT my hips are really aching now.

I am going to be taking a vicadin and going to bed soon. I only take them at night now so that I sleep better. Sleep will help me heal.

Tomorrow I will finish shopping then have lunch with Fr Shea and the relatives.

I sure hope Dick can come with me. I miss having him along.

I saw a monarch butterfly yesterday and a blackish one today. They sure are lovely. We have a lot of dragonflies around lately. I hope they are doing their job and eating all the mosquitoes



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