Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quite a busy day, yet a lot was left undone.

Chelsea did not wake me up until 5AM. I took her out and then rested until 6AM when I finally got up to feed Roxie and begin the day. Chelsea ended up with two rather nice walks. My knee was really hurting today after a couple of days of less pain. I was almost starting to think that maybe it would be OK without the procedure but then today, I knew better.

At 9AM, I had my preop appointment with Dr. Murthy. He did a thorough job. I had the blood pressure, pulse things and an EKG. Then he sent me down for an Xray and blood tests. I found Betty Fenner, who we met at Plymouth Care Center, also waiting for an Xray. She and I had a good visit. Her Bob is gone now and that is hard but we could share. I am kind of glad that they were running a bit behind because it gave us a good chance to talk. Her Bob was a guest at my Mom and Dad's wedding reception at Grandma and Grandpa Bowser's house up on Washington Street in Sheboygan Falls. So we share a lot of memories of the same people and places.

I got home in time to put together our dinner casserole. I tried a Cavatini which is a wonderful Italian casserole. It called for three kinds of pasta, rotini, elbow macaroni and rigatoni. I could not find rigatoni so made do with the other two. I also used my homemade ricotta cheese in it. Boy was it good. I have one extra casserole in the freezer. Don't want to be worrying about meals when I am semi laid up for a day or two.

Bobbie was here for lunch and we thought we had to do some wine racking. As it turned out, the wine we thought we would have to work on was not quite ready yet. It is pretty cool down there, so it is taking a while to get to the specific gravity we need.

She will be back next Wednesday unless the wine is ready sooner. We decided that I will just check it daily so we keep track of the progress.

After that I rested a bit then cleaned a bit and tonight watched the special on J. K Rowling that was on ABC tonight. As a true Harry Potter Fan, I wanted to see that. I can hardly wait to see the new movie. It came out yesterday but I want to wait for the crowds to dwindle a bit before I go to see it. Maybe shortly after my surgery. That would be a nice treat. I wish Dick would go with me.

Tomorrow, Dick has two medical appointments tomorrow, and we are going to Gander Mountain so I can pick up some ammo for trap shooting.

Chelsea has not had a seizure since Saturday. Good Deal.



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