Monday, May 18, 2009

What a day. Chelsea got me up the first time at 4AM but I got up finally at 6AM. I did my usual, feeding of critters, showering, walking Chelsea and breakfast for us. (We had more of the Organic Blaster pancakes for breakfast. Chelsea likes that in memory of Zero, she always gets a pancake.)

Went to Bible Study at 9:30. We had a pretty full crew again. The readings were all about the Ascension of our Lord. Even Paul's epistle referred to it. We decided that it must have been a very confusing thing for the apostles to watch him rise up into the sky and disappear. Then they had to go back in to town as instructed to wait for the Holy Spirit before starting on their mission. But as they were staring up to heaven those eleven men must have been really confused especially when two guys dressed in white appeared and asked them why they were doing that - that Jesus would come back the same way in his time. Apparently it is not his time as yet even.

After the study was over I went over to Mom's. She seemed a bit tired to me today. I would not be surprised if she decided not go go to the wedding on Saturday but we will see how she feels that morning. Either way, Kathy and I are going to go together to the reception. I think I told you that my Uncle Pat's son is getting married and his reception is at Lambeau. It is Memorial Day weekend, so Jeff, of course, will be at Indy, but Kathy and I want to to go anyway.

Nora and Leif came while I was visiting with Mom. They are here for a whole week and will be coming to lunch tomorrow and bringing Mother with them. I am so glad of a chance to visit with them. Leif is an avid newspaper and news magazine reader and clips and sends articles to people that he thinks will be interested in them. He send a clipping from a newspaper published in India that he found in an Indian (curry Indian not tepee Indian) restaurant. He sent it because it had a picture of Obama and sent the translation of the caption also.

Somehow, Nora and I started talking about language and it reminded me of my late Uncle Earl. He was my ex husband's uncle, married to my darling mother in law, Lily's sister Velma. Earl took Spanish because he loved to go to Mexico for long vacations and spent lots of time with friends that he met and rented space from down there. Uncle Earl adapted the Castillian Spanish that he learned to Mexican and even gave Lily and me lessons in Mexican for a while.

When Earl crossed the border into Baja California, he seldom spoke English, which annoyed Aunt Velma no end but that is the way it was. Anyway, at one point, his daughter, Carol, was taking Spanish in High School. Earl got a letter from his friend in Baja so he sent it to school for Carol's teacher to share with the class. I think you are probably aware that most languages have very strict rules of pronunciation and of spelling. One of the questions Earl's friend asked him was how the freeway traffic was on the way home the previous weekend. However, though the Mexican's use the word freeway, the man did not know the English spelling of the word and it came trough as frigue, a very proper and phonetic spelling of the word. I don't know if she used it or not but she sent it back with no comment.

I came home and we ate Swiss steak that I had put into the crock pot before I left this morning.

At 1PM the Cream City Writers had their meeting. I read a sonnet that I had written. I will share it at some future time as I am not sure if I want to submit it somewhere first. Dick liked it and that makes me feel that it is pretty good.

Home again and I have been able to stay home since then. BUT at 4PM I led the telephone conference for Celtic Women International. We covered a lot of ground. We discussed the success of the Gathering, set up a committee to review our bylaws, gave the branch reports and lots of other details. I have work to do and must do it by Friday so it stays fresh and gets to the proper people in time.

We had a light supper.

I had a meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for Tallgrass tonight. I had offered our home for the meeting. That way I could stay home. It worked out very well. Dick got to meet a couple more of the residents too. We met downstairs and I think accomplished a lot. Now we have a couple more details which we should have by the end of the week and will present the package to the board for approval. Mark says that he thinks the road can be done in June if we get off of our duffs and get the OK. That is the major problem that the committee is facing. The other problems are also being addressed in their time as the paving will solve a couple of the other problems to begin with.

Finally the day is over and after I finish this I can go to bed.

Tomorrow, Dick will be casted for the second of his prosthesis cups. That will be exciting.



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