Saturday, April 04, 2009

Saturday. I did have things to do today outside of the home. First, at 10AM, there was a special meeting of the Condo association to decide if we were going to take legal action against the developer for things that need to be done yet. We were being told by our board the the statute of limitations is almost up on being able to force him to do certain things, like put in the road and fix some drainage issues. Mark was there and disputed many things that the board said. I had my doubts about whether we have utilized all of our negotiation tools before causing a permanent rift with litigation. Apparently the majority of the residents agreed with me because the vote was over whelming to not press for a lawsuit. I must tell you that Mark, the developer, is also a resident of the condo complex, so he has a lot to lose too. As we left, I told him I just wanted the road to be put in. He laughed and said that as soon as the board told him, he would go ahead with it.

I did offer to be on a committee to work with Mark to see that the problems are solved. I do not believe that the board has been doing a good job of that at all.

I cleaned the kitchen floor today too and watered plants. Hopefully I can start putting some of the heartier herbs outside soon to see if they come back.

I went to Mass tonight at 4PM. It is Palm Sunday weekend so I brought home a fresh blessed palm. I must remember to give my old ones to Jeff. He still burns things and that is what is supposed to be done with them. It was a nice service. Next Sunday, Easter Sunday, I will be able to go to 8AM Mass. That will be nice. I preferred that Mass when we had it. Regardless, I will have basically the whole day. Jim and Michelle are providing dinner and bringing it here so Dick does not have to go anywhere. At least we won't have to be taking things over to the Care Center as we did with Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow I will be able to stay home ALL day. Isn't that nice.



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