Thursday, April 02, 2009

Last night really left me tired this morning. We had such a good time, but it was after 11PM when I got to bed. I took Chelsea out at 4:30AM and went back to sleep. I must have been having nightmares because I woke poor Dick up yelling. Then went back to sleep but I HAD to get up by 6:15 or so because of our morning schedule.

We got Dick to his first appointment with Dr. Cheryl at Advanced Eye Care at 8:35 by the skin of our chinny chin chins. That went OK but they made an appointment for Dick to see a specialist because there are signs of aging and possible macular degeneration. Nothing serious yet but there are things to do to stop it if it is caught on time.

We went right from there to therapy to try the shoe again. It is almost perfect. Lori is going to ask Andrea to make one more small adjustment. Then with any luck at all, we can go to see Dr. Moreno next week and then WALK. He did stand for almost 20 minutes today.

We were able to stay home all the rest of the day. I made some soup and a pasta salad, cleaned the kitchen and washed what seemed to be 1000 dishes. Now I am exhausted.

We called to see if someone could come to check the wheelchair because it seems to push so hard. The man stopped right over which is really great. There is nothing wrong, it seems to be just that there is rubbing because Dick JUST fits and there is some rubbing. Chelsea was sleeping along the wall when he came in and never woke up until he was almost ready to leave. Then she woke up and looking very confused walked over and sniffed him. He laughed and said that he kind of wondered if she was alive when he came in because she didn't move and she was laying there so still with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

But she is still with us and still amazes me in the mornings when we go for our walk.

We are supposed to have a snow storm coming in again. Mother is so disappointed. She wants to go to church on Palm Sunday and if it is slippery it is dangerous. I am thinking that maybe driving her over to the front of the church and picking her up might work.

Anyway Have a pleasant Friday. Wear red in honor of our service men and women overseas if you think of it.



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