Monday, March 30, 2009

When Somebody Calls after Ten P.M.

by Bruce Dethlefsen

when somebody calls after ten p.m.
and you live in wisconsin
and you're snug in your bed

then all's I can tell you
somebody better be missing
somebody better had a baby
or somebody better be dead

Garrison Keillor had this on his Writer's Almanac today and I simply HAD to share.

It was a great day. I started off with a large group at the bible study. Helen Morgan is back from a well deserved vacation in Florida and Tom and Kathy Keyes are back from Texas. Only two of our regulars were unable to be there and Liz , one of our gals who comes when she can was there. So we were nine strong. Would you believe that Sunday will be Palm Sunday already and the gospel will be Mark's telling of the Passion. When I was a little girl I dreaded Palm Sunday because it is such a long reading. Now I like it, especially when the reading is done with different voices and the congregation becomes the crowd. Oh Well. I digress. The second reading is Paul's letter to the Philippians 2:6-11 and is an old hymn from those days. We always wish that we could hear the hymn. It is kind of like reciting How Great Thou Art. So much of the hymn is the music. I am going to try to fix that.

Stopped at Mother's next. She sounded much stronger today. I was pleased. We had a good visit and I threaded three needles for her so she can work on that quilt. She had Donna do three a couple of days ago. So we are keeping her sewing. Threading the needles seems to be impossible for her. Wednesday we will be going to the Sheboygan Theater production of Over the River and Through the Woods. It is a new one to me. Bobbie is going with us.

Then home for lunch and getting Dick ready for therapy at 1PM. Tim met us there with the shoe. It is better, but Tim took it back for a couple of small adjustments and it will be back on Thursday at 9:30AM. SO we canceled the Wednesday therapy because he won't have the shoe to work with anyway.

Leslie and Bill came by shortly after we got home from therapy for a last visit as they will be heading home tomorrow morning. They were invited to Bobbie and Bill's tonight for dinner. Good sister time. We had a nice visit. They spent some time yesterday and today "touring" Sheboygan and visiting all the places that Leslie, Leslie and the kids and Leslie and Bill had lived, getting pictures for the kids per their request.

So it was a full day. Tomorrow will be much quieter. (I hope it stays that way.)

Hope yours is also quiet. ( Unless quiet means less to you than to me.)

I will be in bed shortly after Dancing with the Stars is over. It is really fun this year.



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