Sunday, April 19, 2009

A quiet and delightful day. I spent most of the morning sorting PAPER. By this evening, I am ready for tomorrow.

I pulled up information on next Sunday's readings and marked them in the bible so I am ready for bible study. This morning's Gospel was different that the one they said would be read last week though the event was the one in the upper room with the apostles scared out of their wits. With good reason as it appeared. I went to Mass this morning at 1o:45 because Jim and Michelle were here over Mass time yesterday at the time I usually go. It was a nice Mass. The contemporary choir sang this morning. So the music was very good. And Father gave a good sermon. Our prayers are continuing for the unemployed and the under employed. I had personal prayers for my friends, Keith and Mary Dallman's family.

It was kind of chilly today. The ground was a bit damp when I woke up but it did not rain during the day. That little bit of rain made the grass on the green really brighten up. I expect that if we get more rain as we are promised the trees will burst open like firecrackers.

Another busy week of therapy and doctor appointments looms ahead. Next Friday and Saturday Kate and I are going to make another batch of pasties. It takes two days because you have to make the pastry the day ahead and refrigerate it.

I listened to the song that Jim Wilsing composed and was performed at the Unity Concert. It is absolutely beautiful. I wish I knew how to share it with you. Remind me to play it for you when we are together. The Cancer fund has extra copies for sale as part of the fundraising effort.

Take care and have a good week.


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