Monday, April 20, 2009

It was raining slightly this morning when Chelsea and I went out for our walk, so we did not go too far. That kind of rain doesn't bother her but I don't like it because it was also damp and chilly and that goes right into the bones.

I left for Sheboygan Falls a little after 9AM for bible study. There were six of us there this morning. A nice group. The apostles will still be in the locked room and Jesus will appear in their midst and he asks for lunch. This is Luke's version. They all have the same basic facts but different details.

Then I went over to Mom's for a visit. I took her some of the pot roast that we had on Saturday. We had most of the rest for lunch today. We, as usual, had a wonderful visit. Jeff and Kathy are going to Boston to meet with some of his old army friends at the end of May. He is going to try to do some searching for Deeley relatives out in that area. I will send him all the information that I have in my PAF files to see if it is any help in the search. Years ago, when I was very young, Daddy went to a Wool Institute for some training out in Massachusetts. He did meet with some of our cousins at that time but look how long ago that was. Well, I will be a fun trip anyway.

Got home in time to fix lunch and to find out that Jim had called, very distressed, shortly after 9AM. They were on their way to a training for Michelle's work when she developed severe pain in her abdomen and back. He took her too the closest emergency room. They believe it is a kidney stone and hope that it will pass tonight. Please pray for her that this will pass quickly and easily. The other possible scenarios are a bit more difficult, such as appendicitis. Though that can often just dissipate too. Anyway, lets pray her through this.

Then on to Cream City Writers club. Almost everybody DID try the Pantoum which I had suggested last week as an alternative to us all giving a word and trying to construct a poem from the words. Those that did them had some really good results, I thought. I will put mine in here. See what you think. Beverly Schellhaas had a haiku accepted for next years Wisconsin Poets Calendar. Yea Beverly.


Believing in spring is a test of faith
On these cold snowy days in March
I wonder how the daffodils feel
As they reach their arms to the sky

On these cold snowy days in March
Only to be encased in an icy sheath
I wonder how the daffodils feel
Coaxed into growing by days of warm sun.

Only to be encased in an icy sheath
When the promise of the robin's song
Coaxed into growing by days of warm sun.
With gentle warm breezes and life giving rain

Cling to dreams of summer days.
I wonder how the daffodils feel
Shivering in their sheath of ice
Believing in spring is a test of faith.

Got home at about 2:30 and took a nap. Then I worked on clearing up more paperwork and getting it in order. One would think when I got it in order I could keep it that way. Wouldn't one?

We had mac and cheese for supper and now have watched Dancing with the Stars. I really like the fact that Dick is watching it with me this year. It makes it all that more fun.

I finished reading Taylor Caldwell's Grandmother and the Priests today. The last chapter had a paragraph written about the famine that really impressed me so I will share. "The Irish do not forgive freely, and it is hard to forgive when ye must strike a spade through the frozen ground of winter in the graveyard to bury your wife or your child or your mother, who starved to death, and the food going to England. The Irish will forgive England in time, but never will they forget the Famine, and they will never forget the colleens and the lads who fled to America so they'd not eat the little left and could make some money to send back home."

Tomorrow our poor little Roxie gets her teeth cleaned. I am already apologizing to her.



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