Monday, March 23, 2009

That Chelsea. She woke me up twice before 6AM this morning. At 4:30 or so, there she was, so I took her out and she was very good. Then to my surprise, there she was at 5:30. I had shut her out of the bedroom but Dick woke up and was working on getting up and out so the door was open again. SO I took her out the second time and she was very good AGAIN. By that time Dick was up so I shut her out again so that I could get the half hour that was owed to me. (I usually get up at 6AM.) THe next thing I knew it was 6:40. WOW. I felt good for most of the day so I must have needed the sleep really bad.

On the way to bible study, I stopped at the bank and the drug store for errands for Mother. Bible study was very nice as usual. There were five of us. Again the message is that Jesus came for both the Jews and the Gentiles,though in the Gospel he says that it is after the crucifixion that he will allow the message to go to Us, the non Jews. As per the covenant, they got the first chance to follow Him.

Visited with Mom. She is doing quite well. She was SO happy. She was able to go to Mass yesterday. That always gives her strength. I have a great story about Mother that I forgot to tell you on Friday. When I took her too the eye doctor, they asked her birth date to confirm that they had the right patient. She said January 21, 1916. The lady next in line to check in said "1916? I can't believe it." She then said that she noticed because her birth year is 1926. Then she said to just "Look at her(meaning Mom) She has NO wrinkles." And she was right. Mom has few wrinkles which is what makes her look so young. I hope I will be the same as I have the same genes.

This afternoon, Dick had therapy at 1PM. He wore his new shoe for most of the session. There were only a couple of questions we will have for Andrea. He stood for two sessions of 10 minutes each.

Home again, I only had one other chore today and that was to monitor the telephone conference for Celtic Women. That went very well. We accomplished a lot. The new branch booklet is ready for distribution. We decided a LOT about the Spring Gathering which I am looking forward to with such joy. I need a break and will be gone for two days. A chance to be me. Dick is doing so much better but I will ask if someone can come and spend some time with him because of Chelsea. In another month maybe he WILL be able to take her out but I wouldn't count on it. At least we can ask the neighbor Dick to take Chelsea out if we have to.

Now we are watching Dancing with the Stars. I am still trying to figure out how I got Dick to watch it with me, but I DID. It is fun.

Guess that is about all that I have to say today. Tomorrow - Dentist for Dick, haircut for me.

Have a good one yourself.



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