Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Guess what! I was stomping on worms on the driveway this morning. Spring is REALLY here. Of course, it never got over 46 degrees so I am not putting the winter coat away yet.

We had a super busy day today. I went grocery shopping as soon as everybody was fed. Got started shortly after 8AM and was back before 9:30AM. It was a big shopping day. I bought some extra stuff in anticipation of extra guests this weekend and I was out of SO many cleaning products. Should be stocked up for a while now.

When I got home, we got Dick ready for his therapy session. That was scheduled for 11AM. He stood twice in his new shoe and we saw no signs of rubbing on the bottom or sides. The brace is touching the outside of his ankle and we want Andrea to check that out to see if it can be repositioned a bit. Lori is trying to teach Dick to stand flat and not roll his ankle out. He did that for so many years that it is a difficult to do and difficult to remember but with encouragement, practice and the shoe it can be done.

I had put some chicken int he oven on a very low temperature before we left so all I had to do was steam some broccoli, warm up some mac and cheese and we were ready to eat by 12:30 or so. I have always said that I am the master of a quick healthy meal.

Today was the monthly Amputee Support Group meeting out at Rocky Knoll. There were 13 people in attendance this month. I am hoping that Dick will feel strong enough to go soon. It is very useful to share ideas and experiences. Today ,Janice mentioned that she and Lee put a commode, without the bucket of course, in the bathtub for Lee to sit on while showering. That might be worth trying. It has a side strong enough to push himself up and over on the slide board back to the wheel chair. Something to think about.

Janice and I are going to see if we can plan a joint trip to the Fireside. Seems logical. We could drive down ourselves together and enjoy the show. She thinks maybe in October or so.

I took a nap when I got home and actually slept for a good 45 minutes, wouldn't have minded even more but had to get up to feed critters and get our supper prepared.

Tonight was a fun time for me though. I had the first of my two singing lessons with Samantha Pool. Remember, I won them at the Shamrocks and Shenanigans show the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day. It was great. First she determined my range. I am a mezzo soprano. I learned that Alto is not really a voice. That there are actually three women's ranges - Soprano, mezzo soprano and contralto. Choirs use only two and use the last two syllables of Contralto (alto) for the lower voice.

I don't know if I mentioned that Samantha, her sister Tamara and their mother have been regular performers in the Sheboygan Theater productions. Samantha played Marrying Sam in Lil Abner a year ago, and I vividly remember her sister as Bloody Mary in South Pacific.

Anyway, after we determined that, we picked a song to practice with. We picked Honey Bun from South Pacific. I learned a lot, just how to stand to keep the voice projecting was cool. My next lesson is next Tuesday evening at 6PM.

Getting home at 8PM was nice. I had a lot left to do here and now am all ready to just close things up and hit the hay.

Maxine said. " I try not to limit my madness to March." I am inclined to go along with that philosophy.



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