Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chelsea did not wake me up this morning. I woke up at about six AM and there was no sign of her. She is an old lady, you know, and I had a funny feeling. I told Dick, who was sitting at the side of the bed, that I wondered where she was.

So finally, I got up at about 6:15AM and wandered apprehensively into the living room. There she was, very busy. I couldn't tell what she was doing at first and the poor deaf little thing did not hear me coming. I finally reached her and saw that she was happily chewing on a steak bone.

Dick and I had that T Bone yesterday for our dinner. I put the bone in the trash under the sink. Chelsea is a good girl and NEVER goes into the trash, especially the trash under the sink.

Roxie, however, has no such qualms. When she first moved back in with us, she was in there quite a bit and I got into the habit of putting a rubber band on the door to keep it shut. Recently, I got careless and stopped that habit. Bad mistake. Roxie must keep tabs on these things.

Chelsea did not seem too upset when I took the bone away from her but I know she enjoyed it as long as she had it.

We had a cold walk this morning. My legs got really cold but Chelsea loved it.

The rest of the day was very quiet. I did a lot of computer work. Took care of Dick - showers, putting on the leg etc. We both took short naps. I think I am ready for tomorrow and for Tuesday when some of my friends are coming over to make dolls. Dick is glad that something I am doing does not involve going away.

We had beef fajitas for lunch today with refried beans and Waldorf salad. Tonight we had soup and fresh bread with cheese. I made a Red Onion Pecan Bread and is it ever good. Especially warm out of the bread maker. I will take some to Mother tomorrow. She is also getting some Waldorf Salad as I have a lot and we love to share, especially with Mom.

Anyway, It was a nice quiet day. I even did not shower. Oops. Told more than I needed to. I just wanted to do nothing.

If I get as good a sleep tonight as I did last night. I think I will be ready for the week.

Take care and be well.

All my love


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