Sunday, January 25, 2009

This was the day. The very big special day.

Dick is HOME!!!!!!! I am sitting at my computer across from him, with Roxie on the desk under the lamp, Oscar on the back of the chair and Chelsea over on the side of the room. My home is complete.

I got to sleep until 6:30 this morning not counting taking Chelsea out at 3:30AM. Then I spent the morning getting the last things done around here. I went over to the Center at about 10AM and started loading things into the car. With all that I took home earlier, I thought it would be a snap, but you have no idea how much junk there is in all those little drawers and nooks and crannies. I had the whole backseat of the car full then had to put the prosthesis in the back.

Kate, the nurse, had reviewed Dick's meds with him again and we checked all the "first aid" and cleansing things that came home with us. There is a LOT. Now we have to figure out where to put things so they are at the ready when we need them.

We got him into the car, then I couldn't fold the wheelchair. A man on the parking lot helped and we got it into the car. When we got home, Jim and Michelle were already there so were able to be there for unloading the car and moral support. I wouldn't let them help me get Dick into the house though. As I told Jim, he won't be here otherwise and I have to know that we can do it alone. It is not easy but we did it and Dick will get stronger as we go along.

Bill and Bobbie arrive shortly afterwards with the TV. They took it downstairs and hooked it up already. We are back to normal. Now If we can finish healing that foot and get him upright and walking we will be home free.

I fed us all a meal of Schlitzhagen, mashed potatoes and corn with bread fresh and warm out of the bread machine. We had brownies and ice cream for dessert. All very good. I was so glad that they were here I helped work out the first kinks.

Jim and Michelle shredded all our newspapers for their Skylar cat who is having his claws removed this week. We all had good visits and Bobbie is going to come at 12:30PM on Tuesday to help us take Dick for his first therapy session. Then we will know how it goes and will have someone here if there are problems.

Tomorrow I decided that I will not go to bible study. First, because we need to be sure that Dick can be alone for a while, and second I still have this icky cold.

After everybody left today, I laid down and slept for over an hour. I needed more, but that helped a lot as I was almost sick I was so tired. Anyway, tomorrow, we will just be here and work out the kinks.

Jackie, one of the nurses, who was not on this morning, called this evening to wish him well and tell me not to work to hard. She said that if I need any advice, I can call her. Isn't that sweet?

Pray for us. I am delighted and scared at the same time.



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