Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fourth Day. This was another challenge day. We had a busy day because there was a doctor appointment, an anti coagulation appointment AND therapy. ALL in one day this makes a lot of action.

We left here at about 8:45AM for the medical appointments. They went quite well. Dick's blood count was .1 over what it should be which is not enough to change anything and could be just because we are adjusting to home life. SO we will go back in two weeks to see if any changes are needed.

Dr. Sharon is quite pleased with everything so far and will see him again in April with blood tests to determine the diabetes levels and all that stuff.

We got home at about 10:30AM so I went to the Pig to do our grocery shopping. I got home just in time to turn into a whirling dervish to fix dinner and get ready for the 1:00 Therapy session. Bobbie came to help us again. This is great. By noon, especially with the other appointments I am really tired, so it is great to have the help. Bobbie is going to come tomorrow shortly after noon to help with the trip to therapy again. As we are seeing Dr. Moreno in the morning, I will be more than ready for heap by then. Bill is going to install the threshold ramp sometime this week too. Every little thing makes life a little easier. We are learning shortcuts day by day.

Therapy went quite well. He had to be evaluated for Medicare and reestablish goals. But he did walk some and did all the other leg exercises. Then we came home. Bobbie and I enjoyed a nice cup of tea together then she went home.

I took a nap until the wheel chair guy came and did some repairs and adjustments on the chair. I hope this will take care of the problems. He tightened screws and removed the seat belt. At least it won't be making such rubbing noises. He said to call if anything else happens. Actually, because it is lighter and narrower it is working quite well except for the rubbing and the foot peddle flopping.

We had mac and cheese and salad for supper. Just right. Now we are closing down for the night. I have a big black kitty on my lap purring his head off. Chelsea has FINALLY settled down. She has been hyper all evening.

Dick and I are both VERY tired and will have to be prepared for almost as busy day tomorrow.

I bought a pizza for our Sunday Superbowl dinner. It seems appropriate to eat pizza on such an occasion.

Too bad our Packers are not playing. Perhaps we could host a party then. As it is, I am sure it will be just Dick and myself. Not a bad deal. I believe that Sunday will be one of those magic days where we will be able to stay in our own little house ALL day.

I still remember the excitement and magic of 1997 when "we", the Packers won the Superbowl. We do refer to our Packers as "we". After 12 years, a true Packer fan believes that they are the blessed team and never gives up hope. Packer stadium is, I believe, the only stadium that is full, to the max, no matter if they are winning or losing and there is at least a 20 year wait for season tickets. Quite remarkable.



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