Saturday, November 29, 2008

I was able to stay home most of the day, until after 2PM anyway.

So, Chelsea and I were up at about 6AM as usual. We ate and breakfasted and then I took a nap. I slept for about an hour and a half. I can't seem to get enough naps these days.

After I woke up, I felt pretty good so I mixed and rolled the buckeyes. Everybody can breath a sigh of relief. I have to dip them in the chocolate yet but the hardest part is over. I plan on doing the dipping tomorrow.
That is the last thing I need to do to be able to finish boxes to be sent to the out of staters.

I had lunch at noon then took another nap. See. I told you. I just can't get enough.

When I woke up at about 1:30, I put the lights on the porch. Now I have to figure out how to set the timer. They did not light up tonight so I will have to check in the morning. I left at about 2 to do some shopping and to pick up lettuce at the Pig. They had heads of lettuce for .79. Since it has been as high at 1.99 and is Chelsea's favorite treat, I figured that I had better stock up and got two heads.

Went to see Dick next and we called Leslie and Bill, per previous arrangement. They are doing pretty well, though Bill is having some back problems. The girls were able to spend Thanksgiving together and Nora will be able to come home for Christmas.

Went to church at 4PM so now I can spend most of tomorrow holed up too. I will go to have one meal with Dick. We will decide tonight when I g0 back to bring him his shorts and shirts which are as we speak, in the washing machine. We need to find some shorts that work besides the three pair that we have.

Chelsea will be happy. I will take her with me as I will not stay long. She will be beside herself.

The following was part of a much longer email. I felt it was worth sharing.

"An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice."

That is truly the hardest part. Worrying comes quite easily to me.

WE are supposed to be getting snow and quite a bit of it tonight or maybe tomorrow. I am so grateful for cars and not having to go to work any more. When I had my first job at Citizens Bank of Sheboygan in downtown Sheboygan Falls, I did not drive and had to walk there come rain or snow or sleet because I did not have a driver's license. I did not get my license until I was about 20 years old. I had to take the test three time. The first time, was a disaster. My boyfriend at the time let me use his car. The examiner told me to parallel park. A big mistake, I had never done it before. I proceeded to scrape the side of the car I was parallelling too. The second time was bad but at least no accident occurred. The third time, I took lessons and had Time take me out to practice a lot.

It was embarrassing when the two examiners were arguing about who's turn it was to take me out. Finally one took a deep breath and out we went. I was Perfect. Even to the parallel parking test. There was just enough space. I remembered everything that my teacher had taught me and slid right in there. I passed the test to the amazement of my examiner but have never parallel parked again.



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