Sunday, November 30, 2008

This will be a very short post. It was a very uneventful day.

This morning, Chelsea and I had a short walk right after dawn. Then I finished the outside decorations, dipped the buckeyes and took a nap. I went to see Dick shortly after lunch as it had started to show earlier. A really wet slippery snow and Dick did not want me out driving in it especially after dark.

I spent the afternoon napping and finishing the out of state packages and boxes. They are all ready to be mailed this week as soon as I can get to the post office.

I called both Bret and Bart today. I need to hear my boys voices sometimes. I miss them so much and they are so far away.

Barbara will be having surgery next week. So pray for her.

Outside looks like a fairy tale land of spun silk a white pristine covering over all. So clean and pure.

Now I am tired and will go to bed. Hope I can sleep clear through.



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