Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Today it snowed again, but not as bad as they predicted.

Chelsea and I took the best walk we have had in several days. After dawn, of course. The little "you know what" woke me up at 3:30 this morning. Don't know what her problem was, but I took her out to eliminate, gave her treats and went back to bed until 6AM.

It was a busy day. I left at about 7:30AM to go see Dick and bring him his clean shorts. They had already given him his weekly shower so he REALLY needed them. Now that he can shift around better, we can get them on him with little difficulty. I actually did better than the nurses, I think. Then I went grocery shopping. I got a donut for breakfast. Very decadent, I know, but I wanted one. So there. Jenna and Jennifer sent good vibes to Dick. They miss him.

I came home and put everything away, after filling the gas tank, relished in my donut and then headed over to City Hall for my pre court date. Atty. Ron Damp, the city attorney, was there reviewing the pretrial cases. I gathered that the idea is to see if an agreement can be reached ahead of time to avoid a trial. I was easy. Attorney Damp reduced my charge to one that carried less points and I was very grateful. I now have a charge of impeding traffic which only carries two points. Sounds fair to me. Did I tell you that the other day, I was at the very same intersection and now KNOW what happened.

I am looking both ways twice now because I am so cautious. Last week, I looked right, sat nothing. Looked left, saw nothing. Looked right again and there was a car emerging from the window frame. If I had moved after the FIRST look - Bango I could have done it again.

I mailed all the Christmas boxes on my way over to see Dick. He was doing PT so I stayed with him until he was done, then came home. Everything was pretty slippery so we decided that I should stay home today. It turned out that it was not nearly as bad as we expected but we decided that it does not hurt to be cautious.

I put another box of ornaments on the tree . It is shaping up.

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