Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dick and I had a busy morning. I got over to the Center at about 9AM. He went down for therapy at about 9:30. Boy were they hopping down there. Lori had four residents in a circle doing leg lifts like a marching band and then playing catch with a balloon for about a half an hour. Kerry had three residents, including Dick that she was putting through their paces. Dick got all done with his Occupational Therapy which takes almost an hour before our appointment got here.

I had called the Aging and Disability Resource Center and a Kathy Lee came out to answer our questions along with Carrie, the social worker at the Center. We learned a bit form her. She gave us lists of lots of resources and some other transportation guidelines. Until we have our evaluation next Tuesday, we are, however, in a kind of limbo situation. I told Carrie and Dick at this meeting that if the Hyperbaric does not work we are going to try the honey treatment even if Dr. Moreno doesn't have any faith in it. As a matter of fact, I intend to call UW Eau Claire for some more information in any case.

This afternoon, I ran some errands, got a haircut and took a nap. Boy was I ever tired. Last night was somewhat interrupted. I kept waking up. Morning came much too soon, announced by a furry little beast. We are only going out long enough to accomplish the necessities at 5AM. But I take her for a little walk after breakfast and when the sun comes out. My tooth is still giving me trouble, so we don't go TOO far but she gets some of her energy out of her system and is more than ready to sleep when I leave.

Another Hugging thing:


It relieves tension
Combats Depression
Reduces stress
Improves Blood circulation
It has no unpleasant side effects.



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