Monday, October 13, 2008

Today was one of the good days. I took Chelsea for her real walk after the sun came up. We are trying to change our pattern a bit because I do not like to walk in the dark.

I made a loaf of bread in the bread machine and an apple salad, then headed out for the morning. I stopped to say good morning to Dick, then on to Bible Study. There were six of us there this morning and we had a wonderful discussion that went into the upcoming election even. We don't try to express our choices, but as the Gospel is the one where Jesus told the people to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's it was a natural segway. One has to be aware that most of the rumors that arrive on the Internet or through gossip are nothing but gossip and/or rumors and are not fact. The first reading from Isaiah is the only place in the Old Testament where a Gentile was anointed. This was a big thing to the Jewish people but certainly gave us a big wedge.

I got back to the Care Center in time to have lunch with Dick. I had asked them to reserve a meal for me. We had ribs, baked potato, broccoli and cheesecake in the sun room. I thought we needed a date. We could have eaten in his room but he needs to be out of there.

GUESS WHAT!!!!!! When I got back, I ran into Lori, the PT, and she told me that Dick STOOD UP. I was so excited and told everybody I saw. Then he had more PT after lunch and he did it again. He stood for 10 seconds this time, a big deal. We are on our way.

I came home for dinner. Had to do a few things around here anyway. Chelsea needs some attention too. She is getting whiney and I am sure it is because she is old and lonely.

I did go back after supper for an hour but Dick was a real sleepyhead. He should be tired after all the work he did today.

Take care and keep praying. We are working hard.



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