Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello. This morning was much better than yesterday. Chelsea woke up at about 5:30 but I put her out of the bedroom until 6 and she behaved. We did not do much walking because it was misting out there and I had no desire to be getting wet.

This was a Doctor Day. I got all ready and over to the Care Center by 8:45AM to be sure that Dick was all ready for Tim from Custom Care Transport to pick him up at 9AM. Tim is always on time and such a caring guy. We got to the Sheboygan Clinic at about 9:30. The first appointment with Dr. Moreno was at 10AM and he was right on time.

That appointment went well. The wounds are looking good. He is concerned that increased pressure on the foot as he does more standing could cause more breakdown. Therefore we need to concentrate on healing and on reducing pressure on those callouses. He suggests that Dick use the "sandal" that he modified to reduce this pressure when Dick does his therapy. Then we need to keep it clean and dressed and pray.

Next we went down to the first floor to see Dr. Fehrman. He is also pleased. The stump is healing very well. Dr. Fehrman removed the stitches. Only two bled a bit, not a bad thing as it shows that there is circulation to the area. Dick and I are always amazed that some of the doctors and other medical professionals sometimes get really excited about this bleeding stuff.

So, it was a successful trip to both doctors who both asked to see him in two weeks. Another good sign. If things are not good, they want to see you much sooner than two weeks.

Did I tell you that Dolores and Ken came by the Care Center yesterday to visit Dick. He was so pleased. He gets very tired but loves seeing people. I think it is good for him. He must get pretty sick of me.

After we got back, I zipped home for lunch, to take care of Chelsea and to shop. While I was grocery shopping, I saw Kate Herman, my friend. We have not connected for some days because she has not felt well but she also is worried about her best friend, her husband Ron. After we finished shopping, we went to the Exchange Bank to have a cup of coffee and catch up. The way things have been going, it may be two more weeks before we get together. Keep praying for her and her Ron. When our guys are better, we are going somewhere for the biggest Hot Fudge Sundae in the world to celebrate.

I ended up going back and forth a couple of times this afternoon, what with
Chelsea and all. When I left the Center to get my supper (Dick and I decided to have supper together in the solarium again. We need one on one time out of the room.) the ward was in a turmoil. One of Dick's table mates, who is such a sweet flirt, was crying quietly but crying because another table mate, the new one, who can't seem to get settled in was up and walking around with his alarm going. I stopped and tried to calm my friend but was not too successful. The nurse, Mary, said that the whole place had just kind of fallen apart. I can see that this can happen if there is a disruption. It must be distressing to the sensitive souls.

When I got back, things were MUCH better and my sweet friend gave me a big smile so I patted his arm and told him how happy that made me.

Dick and I had our supper, I sat with him and we watched Fred Astaire for a while and then I came home at 7PM.

So here we are.

I read a great quote today that I would like to share with you.

A Philip J. Bailey said, "All who breathe mean something more to the true eye than their shapes show, for all were made in love and made to be beloved."

Isn't that beautiful.



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