Monday, October 20, 2008

Today was mainly a Mary Day.

It was kind of rainy when we woke up so Chelsea did not get a great walk, but she got enough to do her some good anyway. I did some busy work around here and then left at 8:30 because I had to get gas, stop to give Dick a Good Morning hug and be at bible study at 9:30AM. As it turned out, I even had enough time to stop at Walmart to get some vitamins.

Bible Study was, as always a nice replenishing hour. There were only five of us, all, as we said, Chicks. It doesn't seem to matter how many, the sharing and praying is important to all of us. We have an interesting question. Are there Pharisees today in the Jewish religion. In our modern time, because they were instrumental in the crucificion and because they were always trying to trip Jesus up, we think of them as sleazy and underhanded, BUT they were a priestly sect in the Old Testament and well thought of. I am going to try to Google it. The readings are telling us that we have to take care of those who are in need.

I went right over to Mom's from there. She had a nice weekend, including a birthday party for Elizabeth, Becky's daughter who is already a whole year old. She had a great time but is glad of a quiet week ahead.

Then home to walk Chelsea and get ready for Writer's club. I met Peggy, the gal who's husband is right across the hall from Dick, for lunch at the Exchange Bank. We had Cheese and Broccoli soup and bread. Did I tell you that Kate and I stopped in there for a cup of coffee last Wednesday and I told the owner I would be back on Monday for lunch with a friend. He immediately asked me what kind of soup I wanted. So I said Cheese. By Golly, he had it there for me. It was delicious too. I would recommend that place anytime. Anyway, Peggy and I had a nice lunch, then walked over to Book Heads, the book store, for the Cream City Writer's meeting. That went well too. There were 8 of us there including Peggy and she liked it. She was comfortable enough to share a poem of her own and enjoyed the group. I believe she will be back.

I went right from there to the post office to mail a couple of things, then to see Dick. I found him in therapy. So I waited with him and did mine while I was waiting. I went home long enough around four to take care of Chelsea and fix a supper for myself to bring back to eat with Dick.

We went down to the dining room. It was a pleasant supper. The new guy was there and reasonably calm. I wish he would smile. It makes me sad to see him look so empty. A speech therapist joined the new guy at supper and seemed to bring him out a bit. He was nice and included everybody in the conversation. Dick really got him with a zinger. If I could remember it, I would quote. It was something about a foot and no leg to stand on.

Then we went back to the room and just were together until 7:00 When I had to come home. I helped him get his teeth brushed and a couple of other things but we mainly just were together. We miss each other.

I got home, walked Chelsea, took care of Boots and now am settled, I hope for the evening.

Talked to Kate today, she is feeling a bit better, I think I told you she has been under the weather. They are waiting for results and more tests on Ron. Keep praying. Kathy Keyes wants to join Kate and me when we get our guys all healed for that huge Hot Fudge Sundae.



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