Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello again.

This morning was very busy and I hope successful. Chelsea had her appointment at the Veterinarian this morning at 8AM. So we got a really early start. She is not alarmed but is not really thrilled about going there. The Vet did another series of tests on her and her BUN level which tell s us the condition of the kidneys is high. SO we have another medication to add to the two that she is already taking. Of course, it has lots of warnings and so on. I picked them up at about 3PM and she had her first one this evening. That is an expensive visit what with tests and medications and vaccinations. I joked that I was going to go home and tell Chelsea that I wondered if she was worth that much. The receptionist was great. She said that Chelsea had called and told her to tell me that it did not matter how much it was, she was worth it.

She and I went right from there to Mother's. I had a prescription for her AND brought her some of the stew. We had a nice visit. Chelsea liked that a lot. On the way home I stopped at Walgreens and picked up some nasal spray for Dick, batteries for Mom and lotion for Mom AND me. By the time we got home, Chelsea was a really tired little old lady. I think she was glad that I left right away to see Dick so she could get some sleep.

I had dinner with Dick and stayed until 3 when I came home to medicate and feed Chelsea and make some soup. The soup is so so. But Chelsea was really glad to see me. Then I went back to be with Dick til 7. I fed Boots for what I am sure this time is the last night. Just tomorrow morning. Jim and Michelle should be home for his evening feeding.

Did I ever tell you about the time I got arrested for loitering in a bar? I was 19 or 20 and dating a guy, K. C. Wilson, who owned a bar. I was IN his bar in downtown Sheboygan on a side street, (I have even forgotten what street and what the name of the bar was. I know it is gone now, and was on the same street as a movie theater that is also gone.) Anyway, the police raided the place. I went in the ladies room, but that did me no good. The police were very nice about everything but still gave me a ticket or something. I had to go to court. It cost me $25 for loitering. I got off easy because one of the policemen did testify that I was dating K. C. and that was why I was in the bar. But it cost me $25 which was a LOT to me then. Grandma Bowser was horrified, because my name appeared in the Press. Somebody asked Mother if she was going to court with me. She said No that I got myself in the mess and could get myself out. Such a wise lady. I don't know if I learned much, but I did learn that I could take care of myself.



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