Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cold again this morning, but a bit warmer than yesterday. I did the same thing. Let Chelsea out to relieve herself then tried to take her for a longer walk when it was light. She seemed to be stiff, or achy or something and did not want to go for a long walk, so we turned back at her suggestion and just came back home so she could rest.

I folded clothes and rolled ace bandages, put a stew in the crock pot and went grocery shopping. After I put the groceries away, I went to see Dick, just in time to accompany him with the nurse to his first shower in weeks. He has been having to settle for bed/sponge baths. It is somewhat of a hassle as he can't stand and has to sit on a bench that the nurse had to use the sling to get him too. But he could actually soap up and rinse off with a stream of water. After the shower, he went downstairs to physical therapy and to have Lori rewrap his stump. It really looks like it is healing well and Lori's wrapping is getting it to form a nice round shape which he will need when it comes time to fit a prosthesis. So much work.

I went home for lunch, did some more wash and baked some beer bread.

I took stew over this evening and we had dinner together in the solarium. He said it was good stew but did not eat much. Did I tell you his weight is down to 247? The last I remember before this was 271 so it is a considerable loss.

He was very sleepy tonight. I stayed until 7 any way but he was not very stimulating company. I hope that the sleepiness carries through and he gets a good night's sleep for a change.

I came home and took care of Boots. Now Chelsea and I are all settled in for the evening and I am just waiting for 9PM so I can go to bed.

The mulching is all done in our berms and gardens in Tallgrass. I have a few things to do outside to batten down for the winter, mainly figuring out how I am going to winter my herbs. They really do look good, and I hope to keep them alive through the winter. It would be nice to have fresh herbs all winter anyway.

Have a nice sleep. Chelsea goes to the doctor tomorrow.


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