Sunday, October 26, 2008

It was in the words of Winnie the Pooh, a blustery day. It actually started out pretty nice. I did not give Chelsea a long walk because by the time it was light, it was drizzling but she got out LOTS of times. She is quite insistent on that these days. Now it is almost 8:30PM and I know that she really wants to go to bed.

I worked on medical bills and the paperwork that must have felled a forest. Got a lot done. I also took my herbs from the deck to the garage as we are supposed to be getting a freeze and I am going to try to winter them.

Jim and Michelle came over at about 9:30AM to clean for me. Yes they are still cleaning and it is a great help. With them on vacation, I was doing things a bit at a time between visits to Dick and other things. They brought Boots over and put him in the downstairs bathroom as they were setting off bug spray in their house. They said that he was a very unhappy kitty and perhaps thought he was at a Vets. He was SO very happy to be home again.

Anyway, when they got here, I went over to spend the morning with Dick. I came home for lunch though an let him get a bit of a nap before I got back at 2PM.

Shortly after, the phone rang. It was Suzi, Dick's niece. She and her friend Jerry were in Plymouth and trying to find the place. She said she got up this morning, got dressed and told Jerry that they were going to come and visit her Uncle Dick. She is a ray of sunshine, literally. We had a lovely visit. Hazel is doing well. Jim and Michelle stopped in while they were there so they got to visit too. Everybody left at about 4:30. Jim and Michelle came here to feed and give Chelsea her meds. So I stayed and had dinner with Dick. It was a hamburger. Not too bad. I was able to be there tonight when the nurse changed the dressing on his right foot. It looks pretty good but I am glad that he sees Dr. Moreno on Wednesday because it DOES need some debreding.

So it was an altogether satisfying day. We need more like that. I am not sure I want tomorrow to come too fast as I have to face the car thing.

Just before I left the Care Center, however, I learned that a dear patient, a man who sits at Dick's table, fell and hurt himself pretty bad. He is a sweet man and an adorable flirt. Please pray for him tonight. I will update.



'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

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