Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today was "Doctor Day!" I had to rush a bit through Chelsea and breakfast and shower so I could get to the Care Center by 7:45. Tim from Custom Care and Transport picked us up at 8AM so we could get to The Sheboygan Clinic by 8:45AM for our first appointment which was with Dr. Moreno. We got to see both Dorothy AND Brian the nurses when it came time to wrap up his right leg again. Dr. Moreno said that the wound is bigger but it is not deeper. It is as he expected now that Dick is putting pressure on it in therapy. We are just going to keep working on it until it is healed. It will be better once he gets the prosthesis and can take pressure off of the right foot. Dr. Moreno also instructed him as to how to try to stand and prescribed an antibiotic to mix with the salve that is being put on the wounds.

Then we went down to Dr. Fehrman's office. He is VERY pleased with the healing on the amputated limb. He is telling the therapy department that we need to start proceeding with the prosthesis process. This in itself is not a quick thing but the limb is healing and rounding up and narrowing so we need to get started.

We go back at about 10:30AM. I left before he went to therapy so I could get the shopping and banking done and get our lottery tickets. Then I went home for lunch and worked abit around here. I had to go over to Kate's twice today. (I am using her car, you know.) First, she is making baskets for raffle at the St. John the Baptist Craft Fair that takes place this Saturday and I had stuff she needed in the trunk. Then she mentioned that she was trying to figure out how to raise the items in the baskets to people could see them and I remembered that I have some Styrofoam and odd fillers from various packages that I have saved. Some of them will work so I am glad I remembered.

I got a call from Gary at Burkhart and believe that I will have a loaner car tomorrow, so I can give Kate her car back. She is more than unbelievably generous, but I am so afraid that I might leave her stuck at some point.

Ron, her husband, has to to back to St. Luke's on Friday VERY EARLY. There is still a problem with the artery that has been "fixed" twice already. The doctor said that perhaps it relates to that awful infection that he had last fall. DUH!! Anyway, everybody pray hard on Friday. This is serious stuff.

She will obviously not be available to work the Craft Fair so I told her that I would go over between 11 and 2 to give the ladies that help her a break. I will still be able to be with Dick three times and have supper with him after Mass.

Tomorrow is a quiet day. I have NOTHING scheduled. Will have to get the loaner and get Kate's car back to her and visit Dick but no scheduled appointments. Can you believe that? I can hardly.

The sun shone and it warmed up nicely today. The next few days are supposed to be good too so we must enjoy them. The cold days of winter will come soon enough. It too has its beauty but is best enjoyed from the comfort of a warm home.



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