Saturday, September 06, 2008

Today was a nice day.

I got to sleep until 6AM which is always a plus. Actually, Dick said that Chelsea was acting really strangely. She just sat on his side of the bed and kept staring at him, but never came over to try to wake me. We had a lovely walk. It was cool. Not quite Fall-like but getting there. We ran into an elderly lady that we see often and Chelsea seemed happy to see her. We heard a "lone goose" flying overhead honking his head off. Then we were home.

Dick was back in bed, so I put all the planters back on the deck. The decks have been resealed, also the front porch railings. The decks look great and so do my planters. I have mainly herbs in them but enough flowers and veggies to be interesting. Chelsea liked that too because we went in and out of the house several times.

The rest of the day was reasonably quiet. I did go to a good bye party for my friend Esther Hasler. She is leaving for Florida to be close to one of her sons who wants to take care of her. That is a good thing. Esther is a good soul with a lot of health problems and a wonderful attitude. I just wanted to be able to say goodbye to her. As she said, we have email and can keep in touch. Just think how it was in ages past. When someone moved to another state or another country, the odd were you would not hear from them for months or even years. Often, these people were lost forever and never heard from. First telegraphs and good mail service, then phones and now email has mad this world so much smaller.

We got in all three of the sequential compression sessions and I just have to clean and dress wounds before going to bed. We got a good bath in too. That is difficult because we can't get his feet wet AND he has so much difficulty standing. But we did it.

Now night is here and I have heard from both of the Johnston boys and Barbara. They both called to check on Dick. Good boys. They are both doing quite well. Barbara is worried about her father. He has health problems also.

Bret and I were remembering Zero tonight. Bret was laughing as he remembered how sometimes he would sit on the couch with a bowl of cereal or ice cream and Zero would jump up next to him to keep an eye on the spoon as it moved from bowl to mouth. The only problem he had is that he would end up falling asleep watching, sitting up and leaning on the back of the couch.

What a dog. Zero the wonder dog, worth a little less than nothing. But priceless.



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