Monday, September 01, 2008

Another quiet day. They are so few and far between. Chelsea tried to get me up at 5:30AM but I shut her out of the room with lettuce until 6AM. We saw a lot of the regular walkers this morning. I was really a perfect day for it.

The rest of the day was delightfully dull. I catalogued all of our video tapes and DVDs. There is a box of them that Dick has to go through. I hope he does this soon. This is something that he SHOULD be able to do just sitting there. Since he cannot do much walking one would think that these type of thing would get done.

We had an wonderful supper of sweet corn, beets and tomatoes from Jeff and Kathy's garden with the last cupcake from Bobbie's gift. It was really scrumptious. I almost said truly scrumptious but controlled myself.

Beth Hoegger called today so we could review the worship folder for the Celtic Mass. It was good talking to her. We must pray for her daughter Julie who is having some tests done tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we go to see Dr. Fehrman. I hope all is well. It should be and I am going to ask him to look at the other wound.

I hope your holiday was restful, or fun or exciting or ALL of the preceeding.



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