Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest and actually as I had no specific deadlines it almost lived up to its name. I did stay in bed until 6AM and had a pretty good night's sleep too. Chelsea and I went for a nice walk. I made her stay out of the wooded areas because the mosquitoes are SO bad this year. As it was I got two bites before we got back home.

I went to 8AM Mass. Fr. Van Beeck talked about the shabby, motley group of men that Jesus selected for his apostles. He gave us a message for the week - Acceptance and appreciation. I need to hang on to those.

We got a call from Rachel, our assigned nurse, who told us that she was sending an associate tomorrow. She should be here between 4:30 and 6:00PM. It will be a little tight but will work. Michelle, Jim and I are going to the Tallgrass Condo Board meeting down the street at 7PM.

There has been rain and thunder all day. We lost our power at about 11AM for about an hour. Dick took a nap and I just puttered around and played some solitaire by candlelight. I did cut out some squares for quilting and baked a blueberry dessert during the afternoon.

We had fryout (in California we called it barbeque) for supper. I made brats and ribs. Also
my potato salad and pork and beans. When I fried out, I sat on the deck for quite a while. I sprayed the area with Listerine. I had read that will keep the mosquitoes away. I don't know for sure if that was the reason, but I did not get ONE bite while I was out there. So I will try that again. I also picked up some citrinella candles. We will see, because I REALLY want to spend time on that deck this summer.

Have a good week.

I intend to. We have seven health appointments between us this coming week. Sometimes I feel like I am on a merry go round.



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