Saturday, May 17, 2008

Well, this has been a wonderful day, so far. Chelsea and I went for our walk this morning. It was a bit shorter than some because she cut through the path in the woods which cuts quite a bit out. But she accomplished what was needed in the time she was out.

Good thing, because I was gone from about 9:30 to 4. Jim and Michelle came and took her out twice while I was gone. Dick is just SO unsteady that it seems best. It is becoming very difficult for me to be gone if we think that Chelsea needs anything.

Anyway, at 9:30 I took my bars and cupcakes over to the Senior Center for the Condo Association Meeting which I was unable to attend. I talked to Phil Kalchthaler, who is Vice President, and a friend for many years before I left so he knew I was there. However, later, I wish I could have come. Michelle had said she would run for an open place on the board but needed someone, not in her unit, to nominate her.

However, I was committed to the Morel Hunting day with Little John. We all met at Fleet Farm at 10:15 to 10:30. There were nine of us including Little John. We carpooled. I rode with four ladies. Debbie from Green Bay, and Tina, Kris and another gal, my mind is blanking but it will come to me later, from the Mequon area. They were originally from Two Rivers and knew my cousins Ann and Marcia Bowser. Small world.

We got to the site off of Hwy 28 beyond Beechwood. I need to investigate Beechwood sometime for genealogy purposes. Little John shared one of his spots with us and asked us to please find our own. We snacked while he ran though what we would be doing and what we would be looking for. Then we started out. We had quite a successful day. We found several pockets where there were a dozen or more scattered in a close area. I weighed mine when I got home and have about 10 ounces. I tossed some of them into our common pan. Little John fried some up in Linda's homemade butter in a nice cast iron skillet on a camp stove so we could all taste them. Very good and we did not do ANY seasoning, just the butter fry. Everybody had a nice share of the harvest. It is sure fun. I am going to check the woods in back of us. Now that I know what to look for perhaps there ARE some there. I also want to go out where I go deer hunting and see if there is any luck there especially near the swamp.

They are quite distinctive. They look like little brains on a pole and when you see them they just jump out at you. They are either kind of caramel colored or a bit grayish brown. I brought home two pretty rocks and some feathers too. I liked today.

When I got home Jim and Michelle came over to tell me what happened at the board meeting. It does not sound like a very productive meeting. The board seems to do a lot of deciding, but does not respond to requests or clarifications. I sent a letter to the vice president listing my concerns. This was NOT discussed but was mentioned and they said that it would be brought up at the next board meeting, which I plan on attending.

I am going to a show at the Plymouth Art Center that Kate is singing in tonight. Not the greatest night as I am really tired, but I need to go for Kate's sake. I missed the last one she performed in and don't want to miss another. Too much is happening too fast. Tomorrow, except for Mass, I can stay home. I can hardly wait.



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