Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It was supposed to rain today but so far we have not seen a drop. Chelsea and I had a lovely walk this morning. We got up at 6 on the dot and did not see a single other walker today.

Dick had two medical appointments today. First we had to go to the anti coagulation clinic to have his count checked. It was a bit low 1.7 instead of between the 2 and 3 that is ideal. That is OK for now because of the procedure on Friday. But Melody did adjust the meds a bit. Then we went upstairs to the third floor to see Dr. Hodous. That clinic is SO weird. They have the podiatry department on the very TOP floor at the VERY FAR END of the longest hall so that the people with bad feet have to walk the very furthest for treatment. Dick's foot and leg were bothering him so much that he actually let us get a wheel chair for the trip back down to the lobby. His foot is much relieved tonight and he is doing the recommended exercises so don't worry too much. But keep praying.

We got to spend the rest of the day at home. I did the herb planting today and set a couple of other things outside and watered the indoor plants too.

Tonight I spent about an hour with Boots, so he wouldn't be lonely. Actually, I fell asleep for about a half an hour so I don't know how much company I was. He seemed content to just have someone there. I can't believe that Jim and Michelle will be home in just two more days. Boy does time ever fly.

Bart called today. He is all resettled at home after spending time with Barb in Florida. He said that his critters are hanging on him like velcro. They do get clingy when owners are gone. He sounds good though and he and Barb will be together again in about two weeks. It has been a long long haul. I received a package today from Bart and Barb with my Mother's Day/Birthday present. Two Jim Shore collectibles, Milly, a very sophisticated kitty with a bird perched on top of a birdcage and Jilly, a very suave kitty sitting next to a fishbowl with a goldfish in it. They are quite lovely and I believe they will be perched up above the cupboards peering down on the activity in the kitchen.

I mentioned to him that Jim and Michelle were on their cruise and he, as Bret did, commented on how much fun the cruise we took many years ago was. He said that he really appreciated the fact that I had managed to expose them to so many different things in our lives. I still remember that little guy sitting down for breakfast on the third day or so and telling our waiter. "I'll have my usual please." AND GETTING IT. That was quite an experience for him.

Have a nice Wednesday.


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