Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It was misting pretty good when Chelsea and I went out for our walk so I did not let her go through the park. We sped along too because I do not like getting wet. I have been going over to feed and water Boots right after I walk and feed Chelsea in the morning. He is always very glad to see me but does not expect anything more than food and a little petting then. However, in the evening, he likes lots of attention and playing. He still does not let me hold him much, but tonight I did pick him up and cuddle him and he actually purred.

Dick had an appointment at the Sheboygan Clinic, then when we got there we found that we needed a lab test which had to be done right away and Dick had not prepared. So, we went home and when he was ready went to the lab here in Plymouth and made another appointment for next week to review the results. Just kind of frustrating to have that extra trip into Sheboygan.

Dick's knee and leg are really bothering him too so I did the shopping after lunch this afternoon. It was pick up day for Market Day too so we have LOTS of food in this house.

Tomorrow I am going to do some baking. I will be home all day after one early outing with Kate and Toni. We are going to NJoy a local newer coffee shop. We are going to wrap up the Celtic Women Spring Fling Thing. Tomorrow, Jim and Michelle are coming home too. My understanding is that it will be very late when they get in so I will take care of Boots morning and evening again. I am sure that they had a WONDERFUL time. Hard not to on a cruise ship.

When we were on our cruise, in my previous life, Bart was pretty young, maybe 8. They had a talent contest in one of the lounges one night and Bart decided he wanted to enter. He wanted to tell jokes. So he practiced and we got him all dressed and ready and he signed up. When it got close, he got a bit scared, so I told him that Johnstons don't quit. And my brave little boy walked out on that stage and up to the microphone. He was trembling but told his first joke and (thank heavens for cruise audiences) they loved him and laughed and clapped for him. His face just lit up and he sailed through the rest with no problems at all. He got a trophy and certificate for his efforts. I was SO proud.



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