Saturday, May 10, 2008

I woke up just before 6AM so I got up and took Chelsea for her walk. She is so happy that I have "come to my senses" and am taking her for her normal daily walks again.

Dick and Brenda left for Sarah's wedding this morning at about 9. They had enough time to get there with a lunch stop and possibly time to stop and register at their hotel. We had a lovely breakfast. I prepared cinnamon rolls, toast and scrambled eggs with chives and cheese.

We had the loveliest visit. I told you that dinner was fun last night.

After they left I drove on over to Moraine Gardens and picked up the plants that I need for the pots and the garden. I found everything I wanted EXCEPT for purple basil. I love purple basil because it is so pretty. I am becoming more and more interested in the flavor of basil.

I spent the afternoon, cleaning up my hunting things. Randy had called early this morning to tell me that he would not be out in the field very long and since Dick does not want me out there alone, and that is sensible, (the good old Buddy system) besides, I AM a girl, it made sense for me not to go out hunting today. So I am done again for the season.

So I made a couple of batches of "ice brandy", cleaned my gun and sent a couple of e - mails that I have been putting off.

I imagine that Jim and Michelle are now having a marvelous time on their cruise. I remember how much fun I had on the cruise that I went on with the boys, when they were little, and their Dad. I remember that for two little boys it was quite an experience. After the second day, Bart would tell our waiter that he wanted his "usual" for breakfast and he got it. And Bret asked for chocolate milk. They had to make it with Hershey's syrup but every time we sat down at our table for a meal, he had his chocolate milk within a couple of minutes. As their father said. "I could learn to live like this."

Have a nice Sunday.


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