Monday, May 05, 2008

This was a full day and I have managed to cross of EVERYTHING on my list. That is always such a good feeling. It is much warmer today. It actually reached 69 degrees. It was 55 when Chelsea and I went out for our walk. It was very pleasant and we walked all the way around the park.

Bible study at 9:30AM. I filled the tank and stopped at the Pig to pick up some ginger root to keep feeding my ginger culture so that I can make some apple soda at the end of the week. Bible study was lively. Sunday is Pentecost so we talked about the Spirit. The first reading is the story of the disciples in the room getting the tongues of fire on their heads and going out and speaking the the crowds each hearing in their native tongue. Must have really made a big impression as many were baptized and brought to Jesus. The gospel was from John when Jesus "breathed" the Spirit on the apostles. Then Paul, in his letter to Corinthians, chides those who speak in tongues for acting superior to those who don't. This is when he proposes that ALL the gifts are equal whether it is something like prophecy or speaking in tongues or service to others. All are equal. We need to know what we are good at and be willing to share.

Stopped at Mother's. She is just fine. She went to church yesterday, of course, and it was First Communion Sunday. Usually she goes up front so she does not have to walk up for communion but the first communicants and their families had all those seats so she sat in back. There are so many good people who observe things. A lady in front of her and knew her told her that she would bring communion back for her and DID so Mom did not have to walk up.

I left at about 11:30. As I was driving down Mill Street a little cute brown and white dog came trotting out across the road from Short Street. I stopped because I was afraid it would get hit. It saw me and seemed quite pleased to see me. I picked her up and stood there not knowing quite what to do. So I put her on the seat next to me. She was really sweet and kissed me and everything. I saw a woman in her front yard on Short street so drove up there and asked her if she knew WHO the dog belonged to. She did. The owner was several doors down, talking to someone else and probably not paying attention. That poor sweet puppy did not even have a collar or any ID on her.

When I got home we ate lunch and then zipped over to the Clinic for Dick's abbreviated PT. He can't do much but just the balancing and head movements. His knee is really hurting and now his foot hurts too. He has an appointment with Dr. Sharon on Wednesday. I am afraid that I will have to make an appointment about my arm pretty soon. I keep hoping it will improve and some days ARE better but then, like last night I woke up and it just ached.

We had brats with Bobbie's sauerkraut for supper. Boy was THAT good.

Tonight was the Rhine Plymouth Membership meeting. It went quite well and I was home by 8:30PM.

I am going turkey hunting on Wednesday morning and have not heard from either Randy or Ken. I have been so overwhelmed that I keep forgetting to call until it is really too late. Guess I had better tomorrow. I can be there early, as we have to be, and will have to leave at about 11PM so I can get Dick to his therapy and the doctor in the afternoon. Thursday, I have ALL day. (a minor miracle.)

Have agreat evening and day


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