Sunday, March 02, 2008

A very quiet Sunday. I got up at 6AM and took Chelsea for her walk. She was quite an eager walker but by the time we got down to June Grass Lane, she was starting to sit down to catch her breath so we headed back home. I figure she is just wearing out. Also, with all the bad weather, we have not been walking as much and she may just have to build up a bit. Now we are supposed to get sleet and snow by morning again. Geesch!!!!! Will it never end? I do have a little hope now as I have been hearing a cardinal singing his heart out the past week or so and they are one of the early signs that spring will really come.

Mass was comforting. I did a bit of crying. Sometimes I do that the minute I hit church. It lasts for part of the Mass and then I get over it. A release of tension I guess. Anyway, I felt better when I left.

Dick and Chelsea and I then had a nice Sunday Breakfast and I took a little nap. Got Dick all ready for his shower. We had to take the bandages off of the leg. Boy is it ever bruised. Well, we have to hang on and get through the whole procedure then with circulation restored perhaps those poor legs will finally heal and work right.

I spent the rest of the day working on the Clifford Family Crest. I got the motto on, the quilting done and the edging done. Now I just need to put the gold around the crest, add the sleeve so I can hang it and make and sew on the label. I was trying to get it done so I could take it to Mother's tomorrow to show her. I like to share with her.

I am reading a booklet about finding time in a hectic life that I picked up at the retreat by Marilyn Gustin. I will just list the titles of the suggestions for you to think about.

1. Pause and Breathe
2. Appreciate
3. Move that Body
4. Applaud Yourself
5. Sit and Stare
6. Offer Blessings
7. Choose Beauty
8. Write Magic Notes
9. Nourish Yourself by Memory
11.Pray and Pray and Pray

Some are self explanatory. Some require a little thought.

I liked Offer Blessings. A friend of mine used to be an extremely angry defensive driver. His wife agreed. He cursed the incompetency of the other drivers and yelled at them and everything. Then, he, a very Godly man, thought that this was not a very charitable way to behave SO he changed his ways. Now when the "idiots" cut him off or drive improperly, he takes a deep breath and makes the sign of the cross in their direction and says to himself (and them) Bless You. He feels better and perhaps God and their guardian angels are protecting everybody more.



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