Monday, March 03, 2008

There was a winter storm advisory going on from last night til noon today. We had temperatures in the 40s all yesterday and most of the night. Rain came down and almost cleaned the roof. Then it started to snow. I was afraid that we would have ice under the snow BUT God was good and the snow stopped at about 10 without providing an ice rink under it for us to drive on.

I went to Bible Study. The readings were about resurrection and rising from the dead. The first from Ezekiel got us going as it speaks of the Lord's promise to "open your graves and have rise from them and bring you back to the land of Israel." Now that makes sense - if we think that perhaps "Israel" means heaven. The gospels are extremely long these last Sundays in Lent. Peggy said maybe to prepare us for the Passion. This coming week is the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Another resurrection. We noticed that now that the miracles are closer to his death he is doing them in front of a lot of witnesses and not telling the recipients to keep it to themselves. (Which they never did anyway.)

Then I stopped at Mother's house. I am so glad I did. She needs the company and had a couple of questions for me. I hope it is nice tomorrow. She goes to the Senior Meals on Tuesdays if the weather is at all acceptable and I think she is ready for an "outing".

This afternoon I finished the Clifford Family Crest. I am very pleased and will bet a picture on the blog in the next couple of days. I hung it in the entry for the St. Patrick Day season. But I will take it to show Mother next week.

Tonight was the monthly Rhine Plymouth meeting. We did not have a whole lot to discuss and I was able to find someone to work for me on Sunday as I am going to see Chicago in Wisconsin Dells that day.

Be healthy and pray for everybody on my prayer list for me.



To reach for the stars
On a cool crisp winter night
Stand on your tip toes.

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