Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

I was a real dud last night. I was so tired that I ended up in bed at 9PM and barely woke up til morning. I missed ALL the big celebrations. And I didn't even care. I am tired tonight too.

It will be good to get back to a routine. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is shopping day and then I have a
dentist appointment. I will spend the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out what I have to do in the next week.

Today, Mother, Jim and Michelle, and Bobbie and Bill came over for dinner. We had spinach noodle egg casserole, squash, corn, salad and Carmel Apple Blossoms with whipped cream.

We opened up a bottle of champagne that we had purchased several years ago. Don't keep champagne for several years. We were saving it for the big day when we win the lottery. It is intended to be sprayed all over me when Dick lets me know the big news. However, if it is too old, it turns to something not champagne. It is almost like a sparkling sherry.

Jim and Michelle helped me set up the Digital Photo Frame that Bart and Barb got me for Christmas. We put some pictures on it and just let it go. It is SO nice. I will have to do a couple of different ones and can fit them to the occasion. While Mom was here I also showed her all the pictures that I took and the pictures that George sent to me too. She was delighted. It is such a pleasure to be able to share these things with her so soon. One used to have to wait for things to be developed. Now they are just READY right away.

Guess that is all today. Tomorrow I will be more alert and plan a little more news for you.



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