Sunday, December 09, 2007

Another full day. I am almost glad that the weekend if over.

Had to be up by 6 because I went to the 8AM Mass. Sure glad I didn't have to miss another one. Fr. Van Beeck pointed out something interesting. This was the gospel of Matthew referring to John the Baptist living out in the desert wearing camel fur and eating honey covered locusts. John said that the "Kingdom of God is at hand." He did not mean that it was coming soon, which we usually assume but that it is there for the taking. Pretty interesting.

When I got home, I fixed breakfast and then went out to Rhine. We started early today because there was some sort of meet which started at about 10AM. It was not too busy. Sara Behr had made chicken soup for people to eat on as we were open over the lunch time. We also served ham sandwiches and coffee. I left between two and three to come home. I brought some of the soup home for us to lunch on during the week. Sara DOES make a great chicken soup.

I called Kate Herman, my friend, tonight. She is not going to be able to to to Sheboygan Writer's tomorrow as Ron needs her there. I had offered to go to St. Luke's with her and Ron on Thursday when he will be able to undergo surgery, but it looks like their son will be able to go now. That will be much better for Kate, but I told her to remember that I will stay available in case she needs me. Please pray hard for Ron. He is a very sick person and needs us.

Tomorrow morning, Dick and I will be going to diabetes class again. I am not sure what we are covering this time. Then he sees Dr. Sharon. We need to be sure that his legs are not infected. I am sure they are not but am worried about one "hot spot" on his right foot.

What a game the Packers had today. They won handily. It seemed that every time I turned away from the screen, they would do something else spectacular. It was worth my having to see them on the replays.

Guess that should be all for today. I called Bart today and had a nice telephone visit with him. It will be good to see him and Barb in Dallas.

Take care now and have a good week


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