Saturday, November 03, 2007

A lovely Fall day. Kind of breezy and cool, but sunny. I am watching the weather forecasts. The first prediction of a hard frost and I will bring the planters with herbs in them into the garage and try to keep them until morning.

This is going to be a really difficult week for our Chelsea. Daylight savings time begins and her tummy is NOT going to be willing to accept that she has to eat and go out an hour later. We will ease her into it as much as possible. However, the world just changes, so we can't be to forgiving. I am staying up until 10PM myself to try to get ME into the new thing. One would think that an extra hour would be nice, BUT old bodies start to ache if they stay in bed too long.

I liked this Saturday. I made some sunflower brittle this morning. It is quite good.

Dick complained of a sore throat but is saying that is is a BIT better tonight so I hope it is nothing serious. With that procedure coming up on Wednesday, we don't need any sickness in his body.

I went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and then did some Kmart shopping. I bought some bras. Mine were getting really raggedy. I hate shopping for bras even MORE that I hate shopping for jeans. Well, I found some so that should take care of it for a LONG time.

Today was the annual Craft Fair at St. John the Baptist. Part of the fair was the baskets that I helped Kate put together. The craft fair was fun and Kate should be proud of her raffle. It looked good and I think lots of tickets were sold. I went over at about 1:30 and stayed until the close at 3:00PM. I did get one of the silent auction items. 6 hand painted elf ornaments in a pretty red basket. I will either hang them on the Christmas tree or give them to someone as is for a nice Christmas present. I also bought some chances on the raffle baskets and did get a beautiful fern. I need something to put it on and will place it at the end of the living room where it should receive the best light. I need to take my corn plant out of there. I think I will move it down into the den, cut it back and see if I can get it to revive.

Michelle and Jim stopped at Bobbie and Bill's today. She sent us some of the pears that she dried in Jim's dehydrator. They are very good. She said they taste great cut up in oatmeal. Now that winter is coming upon us, I will surely try that.

Kate is going to try to write prose poems because someone told her that some of her stories would adapt to that. I gave her a copy of a great prose poem by Charles Baudelaire called "Get Drunk!" Here it is

"Get Drunk!", by Charles Baudelaire

One should always be drunk. That's all that matters;
that's our one imperative need. So as not to feel Time's
horrible burden one which breaks your shoulders and bows

you down, you must get drunk without cease.

But with what?
With wine, poetry, or virtue
as you choose.
But get drunk.

And if, at some time, on steps of a palace,
in the green grass of a ditch,
in the bleak solitude of your room,
you are waking and the drunkenness has already abated,
ask the wind, the wave, the stars, the clock,
all that which flees,
all that which groans,
all that which rolls,
all that which sings,
all that which speaks,
ask them, what time it is;
and the wind, the wave, the stars, the birds, and the clock,
they will all reply:

"It is time to get drunk!

So that you may not be the martyred slaves of Time,
get drunk, get drunk,
and never pause for rest!
With wine, poetry, or virtue,
as you choose!"

Go into this new week with the above as your goal.



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